In this day of Food insecurity/high cost of living, we want to do what we can to help in our community. One way we can help is to support our local Salvation Army Food Bank. We have 2 food barrels in our church (near the Photo Board) and the Salvation Army will come empty them whenever we call to let them know they are full. Our desire would be to be able to call them often! Please remember to bring non-perishables. If you have short life foods (fresh veg, fruit, etc) contact the Salvation Army directly please.

Ideas for the food barrels:

Oatmeal    Crackers   Fruit cups   apple sauce   prok n' beans   soups   canned fruit   Tuna   rice/pasta    kraft dinner   Canned Pasta/vegetables   Granola bars   Juice   Cereal   Condiments (mayo, mustard, ketchup, salt, pepper, Garlic powder,etc)