Women's Life Ministry hosted 4 Day Retreats that were held in September, Novemeber 2023, Feb 2024, and May 2024. These Day Retreats were held in our church building with testimonies, worship in song, teaching , food, and fun with other ladies.
Apart from these special events, there are multiple ladies studies available. Some meet at the church others meet in homes.
You can watch the 2023/24 "Be" Ladies Day Retreats below. They are recorded on a phone so the sound will not be great but you will still be able to see and hear music, testimonies and teaching. I hope you are blessed by it!
The 2024/25 Day retreats will begin Sept. 21, 2024 from 9:30 am to 1:30pm in the PAC Gym. A light lunch is provided with tea, coffee and snacks available. All ladies are welcome. If you have a young baby, please feel free to bring her/him along. If they are toddlers, contact Brenda via the church office and maybe we can figure out some childcare for you so you can fully enjoy the retreat.